The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)

w.d la war "TUESDAY, 23, 2004 THE NEWS JOURNAL 5 Ohio mayor hopes to inspire fellow diabetics to stay on top of disease years ago, he was overweight and smoking. He heard family members talk about having a "little sugar" but never took it seriously Now, the 50-year-old black mayor has quit smoking and hits the gym every morning. His latest A1C readings were under 7 percent. "It has not been easy to get there," Coleman said. "It has been something that I have had to work at every day, but it has led to a wonderful, wonderful life." By MALIA RULON Associated Press WASHINGTON An Ohio mayor has a personal message to diabetics across the country: If he can work 15-hour days and still fit in regular exercise and healthy meals to control his disease, they can too.

Mayor Mike Coleman of Columbus, Ohio, is among 50 leaders nationwide who kicked off a public service campaign last week to encourage diabetics to regularly test their blood with a healthy blood sugar level should have an A1C reading of 7 percent or lower. "Many people with diabetes aren't aware of this test and even fewer are meeting this goal," said Dr. James R. Gavin in, president of the Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta. Most insurance plans, Medicare and Medicaid pay for this test.

Diabetes is a genetic disease in which the body doesn't produce or properly use insulin, the hormone needed to convert food sugar levels and keep their readings low. Coleman, a diabetic himself, said controlling his disease has given him more energy and helps him do his job as mayor of the nation's 15th largest city More than 18 million Americans have diabetes, but of the 13 million diagnosed with the disease, 63 percent don't have their blood sugar levels under control, putting them at risk for complications such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, kidney disease, heart at tacks or amputation. The public service announcements, filmed by mayors from Washington, Miami, Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Detroit, St. Louis, Las Vegas, Salt lake City and elsewhere, urge diabetics to get regular blood readings called "A1C" tests. This test measures a person's average blood sugar level over a three-month period.

It is the best way to determine if a person has the disease under control, says the American Diabetes Association. A person into energy. The disease can be triggered by obesity, though it is more common among blacks, Hispanics and American Indians. Uncontrolled diabetes accounts for nearly 10,000 avoidable deaths a year and 6.8 million sick days, according to the private National Committee for Quality Assurance's 2004 report. Health care costs related to the disease totaled $132 billion in 2002, the group says.

Coleman said that when he was diagnosed with diabetes 11 PjI -Vi J- I i "im- ii fellthlfaif i JmttB0flKSB uu yuu neea answers: GENERAL DENTISTRY PODIATRY PHYSICAL THERAPY Brandywine Hundred Wilmington Board Certified, a r. TnnA nf rn. Mark Glanick. DDS 5513 Kirkwood Highway Wilmington. DE 19X08 302-994-2660 Performance Physical Therapy and Fitness Center 720Yorklyn Road, Suite 150 Hockessin, DE 19707 302-234-2288 302.652.5601 lis 5 4 rib have a planter's wart that I've been treating with some medication from the drugstore.

It still hasn't gone AMFRICAN ACADtMY of Cosmetic Dentistry, awav. What else can I do? John Bradley, PT Mark Gladnick, DDS Alexander Terris, DPM, FACFAS After painting my bedroom ceiling this weekend, my right shoulder hurts. What have 1 done? I often get painful mouth ulcers. Is there any way to get relief? A Warts are a common virus ihat invade your skin through small cms or abrasions. Topical acid and freezing preparations do no! always work because of the depth Ihat they must reach to effectively kill the virus.

Pulsed-Dye Laser treatment targets and terminates the blood supply to the wart. The advantages of the pulsed-dye laser treatment over other laser treatments and surgically remov ing them include irtually no disability or chance of painful scarring on the bottom of the foot. Eor more information on this and other common foot problems, feel free A Painting a ceiling demands overhead reaching, sometimes in awkward positions. A common injury associated with this is called This means that delicate tissues like the rotator cuff tendons can get caught and pinched between 2 bony points in the shoulder. If this occurs frequently these tissues get inflamed, swollen and painful.

The pain can be anywhere around the shoulder joint region and sometimes in the upper arm. You should definitely see your physician for a thorough evaluation. They may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications and may even suggest you see a physical therapist for total rehabilitation of the shoulder. A Yes! There is new topical, prescription meditation which I have discovered works wonders for some of my patients who have recurrent aphthous ulcers, commonly called canker sores. It usually brings immediate relief and speeds healing.

When you have an outbreak you should also avoid eating chocolate, raisins, (leaiiuts. and gelatin as these foods teed the virus which causes some of these ulcers. to visit our wensite: OBSTETRICS GYNECOLOGY CHIROPRACTIC HAND THERAPY True Wellness Centers 12A Glendale Plaza 1158 Pulaski Highway (Rt. 40) Bear, DE 19701 (302) 832-7000 Hand Therapy of Delaware, P.A. Graystone Plaza.

623 W. Newport Pike Newport, Delaware 19804 url: www.handtx.coin e-mail: (302) 995-7510 fax (302) 995-75 1 1 Pike Creek Associates in WomenCare 4600 New Linden Hill Rd Wilmington, DE 19808 302-995-7073 404 Fox Hunt Dr Bear, DE 19701 302-832-8331 Is it safe to travel in pregnancy? Christine Maynard, MI) Eric Marks D.C. Jeffrey West D.C. I'm pregnant, can chiropractic help me and is it safe? A Yes. chiropractic is very safe and effective for pregnant women.

It can help to relieve the pain and discomforts experienced during pregnancy without the use of medications. Chiropractic care throughout a pregnancy may help to ensure a more pleasant and comfortable experience for both mother and child. At our office we have specially designed tables that allow expecting mothers to be comfortably treated. Most progressive OBGYNs recognize the value of chiropractic care for their patients; please consult ith yours before starting treatment. For more information on chiropractic and pregnancy please visit our web site or call our office.

Catherine A. Cambridge, MX P.T., CUT. Jan Walters Bin kick, M.O.T., C.H.T. (Hta Muster, U.I.KCHT. What does it mean when vou wake up at night with your fingers numb? A The Median nerve at the wrist is mtisl comriwmly involved Willi nutrtfwsv tintin aixl'm pain in inc or rmtre finjten.

and (be thumb. The little finger wiwld not he involved a different ncrw Mipplie. Reprttmt hand use during the day and sleeping with the wrist bcnl upiirjtatc ihe mptoms of L-arpul immei rtuWw A Certified Hand ITierapisl can help deerciM: the pain Unking us of spiintiitji cmiviso ami teaching you how to avoid activities that irritate the Median ttene. A In general, it is safe to travel in pregnancy. Most airlines will allow air travel up to 36 weeks pregnant.

Women who have medical problems such as high blood pressure, preterm labor, and poorly controlled diabetes may not travel. If you have decided to travel, take precautions. In order to help with circulation, after 1-2 hours, flex and extend your feet and rotate your ankles, wear support stockings and keep seat belt on at all times. The scat belt should be placed low across the hip bones, not across the abdomen. HOSPICE CARDIOLOGY ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY Cardiology Delaware Hospice 3515 Silverside Road Wilmington, DE 19810 Newark diotce care.

comfort DELAWARE HOSPICE Morgan Kalman Clinic 2501 Silverside Road Wilmington, DE 19810 302-529-5500 www.morgankalman.coin 838-9800 (800) 302-366-8600 Wilmington 302-478-5055 1 Cardiology Physicians Andrew L. Ilimclsttin, M.D., EA.C.K hat is hospice? A Hospice is an organization of specially trained professionals and volunteers devoted to providing care for patients who have life-limiting illness. Delaware Hospice care is delivered by a team consisting of nurses, certified nursing assistants, social workers, chaplains, volunteers, bereavement counselors, the hospice medical director, and the patient's own attending physician. The hospice team focuses on relieving pain and other symptoms, and on providing emotional and spiritual support to address the needs of patients and their families. Delaware Hospice care is individualized to meet the needs of each patiem and family members.

Serving our community since yn2. only Delaware Hospice offers choice, quality care and comfort. Call (K00) 8.18-9800, email: mkaneft or visit for more information. Mint I.eitman, MD Victor R. Kalman, DO, FAOAO Whal Is ini pin merit svndrontf? A This refers tn the pinching of the rotator cuff and burvt (tissue that prokts tendon i against he acromion (projection of shoulder blade iwi top of sh wider) as the arm is raised overhead.

Hie repetitive overhead activity caus the tendons ami bura to become inflamed causing impingement. Many factors contribute to impingement. An acromial spur can impinge wtih overhead activity. Imbalances of the muscle tendon unit and ligament complex due lo overuse andor irmiry can also cause impingement. This includes the shoulder blade or scapuiai muscles as well.

Ql am a healthy 40 year old with no risk factors for coronary artery disease. Should I have a Reactive Protein (C Kl') test done to determine my risk of heart disease? ACRP is a substance in the body that is released into the bloodstream in response to inflammation. CRP has been reported as a possible key indicator lor heart disease. However, there is no good information to support routine testing of CRP levels, especially in low risk patients such as you. Nevertheless, many experts agree that CRP measurements can be very useful measurements in patients with established cardiovascular disease to indicate the severity of disease and perhaps follow the effectiveness of treatment.

UROLOGY PLASTIC SURGLRY ORTHODON1CS Brandywine Urology Consultants 1801 Rockland Road (M) Joseph Danyo, MD, F.A.C.S. Plastic Surgery Danyo Plastic Surgery 3701 Kennett Pike Greenville, DE 19807 302-888-0508 email: Brace Yourself For A Beautiful Smile VQrthodonties Dr. Ali S. Husain. DMD, MSD 1400 Peoples Plaza.

Suite 3 1 2 Newark. DE 19702 302-838-1400 Wilmington, DE 19803 302-652-8990 Hiiiiitiii until i-T" frrmrr-'fti i Ali S. lliisain, DMI), MSI) 1 1 am a 56 year old woman who is otherwise healthy, but lately I have noticed that I'm leaking urine. What can be done about this? What is the best age Tor an orthodontic evaluation? Joseph Dimvo, How can the appearance of a scar be improved? A Scar quality depends on many factors. In general young age, jagged wounds, dark skin, location on back, or wounds closed under tension are negative detractors to good scars.

Whereas old age, fair skin, precise incisions, location on face, and presence of no tension are beneficial traits for scars. Topical vitamin and moisturizers such as cocoa butter are probably only minimally effective. Cortisone creams and topical silicone products are more likely lo be beneficial. Most important is time. The longer you wait the better a scar tends to become.

Occasionally, surgical revision or laser treatments can help. A Urinary incontinence is a common condition that affects about 20-30 million women in the United States. There are several types of urinary incontinence and it is very important lo determine which lype(s) you have because treatment will vary accordingly. Medication and certain pelvic exercises can often help individuals who are incontinent with an associated uncontrollable urge to urinate (urge incontinence). However, women who leak with laughing, lifting, coughing, sneezing or any other action putting physical stress on the abdomen and pelvis (stress incontinence) often need surgery.

Technological advancements have made this surgery more straightforward, effective, and well tolerated. For additional information please contact our office. A The American Association of Orthodontists recommends an orthodontic consultation by the age of seven or sooner if an orthodontic problem is suspected. This allows Dr. Husain to evaluate any problems and plan appropriate treatment if necessary.

With early detection, one achieves optimal results with minimal time and expense. Berkeley M. Brannon Marketing Coordinator Brannon Associates, Inc. 1-888-833-5001 Pat Guarnere Director of Community Relations Sunrise Senior Living 2215 Shipley Road vH' Wilmington, DE 19803 QmMDTCC 302-475-9163 SENIOR LIVING 0wi -n i- -hi What types of services are offered in Assisted Living Residences? What is Healthy Advice from the Pro? A The services provided at most Assisted Living residences, and Sunrise Assisted Living of Wilmington, include: your choice of accommodations: an emergency call response system; trained staff available 24 hours a day; monthly wellness visits by a licensed nurse; three delicious meals served daily in a dining room; snacks; weekly housekeeping and daily trash removal: daily programs and activities; scheduled group transportation; resident-sponsored clubs; maintenance of building and grounds; access to landscaped courtyards and walking paths; fire safely svstem; TV and phone hixikup; and all utilities except phone and TV services. Residents al Sunrise Assisted Living of Wilmington also receive a personalised assessment by a nurse to determine just the right amount of assistance and support with activities of daily living.

A Healthy Advice frm the pms is a syndicated feature Ihat has been published in 75 markets throughout the nation and has served over 7 million readers. Over 1. 5(K I dedicated professionals have shared their lime and expertise with their local community, providing information that makes a positive difference to Ihousands of readers. We would like to (hank the participants of the Healthy Advice from the Pros page for their dedication to the readers of The News Journal and the community. If you are a medical professional and would be interested in reaching over readers in The News Journal, call Ted Brannon l-XKH-833-5001 or email us at

a Healthy Advice segments are written by area professionals and are paid features. The News Journal and Brannon Associates Inc. are not responsible for the opinions and suggestions presented herein. Healthy Advice Es net Intended to substitute for medical advice, readers should consult their practitioner for specific advice. E-mail questions to iou uui ticuouc at 1ta04RJ3TS

The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

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